New Hazards and Special Items

I recently finished adding a few more Hazards to the game, including Wrecking Balls and a few more that I will leave for you to discover when you play the game (I don't want to be a spoiler for my own game)!  

The Turbo Boosters are now fully functional and come in three speeds: from a gentle push to a mega boost.  They can also be stacked for greater speeds (I got up to over 250mph on the bike before crashed horrifically).  Captured a few good crashes for you to enjoy here.

But most of all, I'm excited about the new MEGA FANS!  These should create some interesting gameplay opportunities.  One side can push you up to high places (or off ledges), while the other side is hazardous to your health!  These could be used to save a player from high falls, or just to create really tricky "platformer" style levels.  They can also be attached to moving stuff to make things even more difficult, and basically push anything moveable in their range.  I'm thinking of putting a couple onto a windmill, like I do with the saws, or just making some turn in place.  These are my favorite new item, if you can't tell :D

I'm really excited because the last video has about 17,000 views in just a week!  I'm blown away by the interest people have had in this project so far.  It makes me super excited to keep working hard at it so I can get it out there.  Lots of early mornings and late nights have gone into this, but hearing good things people have to say makes it worth it.

Next thing on my to-do list is to build the first Map and Tracks, and finish making a few more audio improvements.

Please let me know what you think in the comments below, and feel free to share these videos to help spread the word about my first game and help it to be a success.

If you want more frequent updates, please follow on Twitter, since it's the easiest way for me to post the latest developments.

Thanks for stopping by!