Let's make G&G Bigger, Better, and FASTER!

Let's make G&G Bigger, Better, and FASTER!

Kickstarter begins September 15th!

New, FREE UPDATE will be released before then on IndieDB.com!

There will be both FREE and financial ways to support the Kickstarter and add new features to the game, so every visit to the page helps :D

Here is a link to my profile page if you want to Follow me on Kickstarter.  A link to the project will appear there once it's live.

Some of you have been wondering what I've been up to since Guts and Glory got Greenlit. How much progress have I made on development?  How much content will be available when the game launches on Early Access?

Well, unfortunately this month has been slow for development due to one big reason:

My demanding day job :P

I typically work 50+ hours per week, meaning most work on the game only happens on weekends or very late/early in the day.  Lately, this has increased to around 60+ due to a lot of changes!  It's time to make some tough choices....

The time has come for me to take a leap of faith. TO QUIT MY DAY JOB AND WORK ON THE GAME FULL-TIME!!  To make Guts and Glory bigger, better and faster than I ever could part-time!

But to do this I need your help!  

So I'm launching a Kickstarter next month and I hope you will drop by and support it. Even if you cannot afford to back it financially, there will be many "Community Rewards" setup that will help bring new things to the game for FREE!  It's also a great chance to get in on beta testing, nab exclusive content, or even become a character in the game!

So please help spread the word about the upcoming Kickstarter for Guts and Glory, and remember that every share, like, tweet, and donation helps to make the game bigger, better, and faster!

Thank you for your support and I hope this Kickstarter is a ton of fun!

- HakJak