Grey Boxes to Full Color Structures

Crow Magnus City Unique Structures and Dressing - Grant Niesner

Working from Aubrey Rugroden’s wonderful Crow Magnus city layout, with several stand-in greybox structures, I worked with the art team to get many of these pieces in place to add a bit of variety in the now established hybrid proc-gen/curated environments.

My greybox versions of the sewage treatment plant and suspension bridge were taken to a finished state by the talented Robert Rose.

Next up was getting the Crow Magnus City Hall and Pigeon Patrol Labs in place and dressed up for the August demo build.

There was also some dressing needed throughout this island city, including this not sad at all abandoned little park area in the shadow of the nearby nuclear facility.

Coming up, this prototype tree house for the birds will be getting the full Emma Lowry treatment in August to add some more pigeon friendly housing within a stone’s throw from the Pigeon Patrol Labs building.