HakJak is dead, long live HakJak!

“HakJak is dead. Long live HakJak!”

Last year was hell for many game developers. Over 10,000 creatives lost their jobs. HakJak Studios was shut down by our parent company—suddenly and without warning, right before the Holidays. It was devastating.

There is so much instability and creative stagnation in this industry. We see the same story over and over: big studios churning out the same thing year after year, investors demanding huge returns at any cost, and prioritizing profits over humanity, creativity, and even customer satisfaction.

It’s time to change this.

In our capitalist society, the most effective means for change is the almighty dollar. Each one is a vote. If we put our dollars into companies that churn out more of the same and burn the very people that create their products, history will keep repeating itself. However, each time we support passionate creatives more directly, we push the dial in a positive direction.

Collectively, independent developers can foster real change by diverting more attention and resources to the actual creatives that build the things we love.

As I thought about this, my sadness and frustration slowly morphed into inspiration, hope, and determination. A vision started to form: I could be the change I wanted to see in the gaming world. I could set an example for sustainable growth in this speculative and often volatile industry.

The options were laid out before me: join another company amidst an economy teeming with unemployed game development veterans, start a new venture with the inherent risks and often-attached strings of significant funding, or return to my roots in independent game development. The choice became clear.

This year marks a new beginning for me. I am returning to solo indie game development under my alias "HakJak", but with a fresh perspective and rebranding that better encapsulates my personality and creative ambitions.

My focus is on building real connections with other people passionate about games, building projects that involve them in the creative process, and exploring creative new game concepts together.

If fortune smiles upon one of these projects, then I will consider expanding, but always with caution and responsibility. After all, there are many projects I hope to make reality as quickly as possible!

The road ahead is not without its challenges. Venturing solo in such a dynamic field is a risk, but my gut tells me it’s a risk worth taking.

For me, the drive to create is not just a desire; it’s a necessity. I have a storm of ideas inside me, straining to be brought to life! Creating is my calling, and I must heed it.

To everyone who has followed my journey thus far, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. If this message resonates with you, or if you know someone who would find inspiration in it, I encourage you to share this story. Let’s stride into this year with hope, creativity, and the unwavering spirit of game development.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Together, let’s make 2024 a year of remarkable creations and new beginnings.


Jed “HakJak” Steen